I Am Creative with Hollis Citron
These conversations are to be a safe space to create connection, share stories, foster self expression and feel empowered! Creativity goes beyond the pencil and the brush. Creativity is your unique and original exploration, expansion, expression of your imagination. Even if you are not “an artist”, you are creative. You are creative because you are the only person that can add your gifts to the things that you create. You are creative because only you can express your ideas and greatness with the world.
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Creative Conversations Gets Inspired by a 21st Century Rabbi
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Rabbi Freedman was ordained at Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in May 2010 after receiving his undergraduate degree from Brandeis University.
His major areas of work at Rodeph Shalom is RiSe Up! (Social Justice) Initiative, Families with Young Children, and young adult work which included our Young Friends group and Next Dor. He is a busy person engaged in all other rabbinic duties, including life cycle events, leading services, preaching, counseling, and adult education.
Rabbi Freedman, his wife, Laurel, and their daughters, Josephine and Nora, live in the wonderful Kensington neighborhood where they enjoy dining out, live music, and home-brewing!
This conversation is full of story telling and connections being a very strong theme throughout.
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This is all about inspiring each other, sharing stories and creating connections
To find out more about I Am Creative check it out: https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Creative Conversations Gets Connected with Love, Gratitude and Empowerment
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Angela Oh is a powerful intuitive. She is a business owner and her company is called Empower Love Now. She is an energy healer, intuitive angel reader, youtuber and multiple sources of income entrepreneur.
Angela is all about helping you along your journey to seek more clarity and provide guidance for more healing, releasing and surrendering into the unknown.
She works with the physical body and gets guidance from the angels.
To connect with Angela you can find her:
website: empowerlovenow.com
instagram: empowerlovenow
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpxXyv0qcu3W9GAcFkAfKwA
This space is all about inspiring each other, connecting and sharing stories
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Click here to check out all that is going on @ I Am Creative: https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Creative Conversations Talks to a Doctor on How to Become Unstuck
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Spencer spent more than 15 years in clinical medicine, and with a new growing family to look after and support, one of his main passions in life was being able to spend time with and provide an incredible life for his family.
Working as an Emergency Room doctor was great, but wasn’t satisfying all of the growing personal achievement goals that Spencer had been developing over the preceding 5 years.
Love this quote from him: " Stifled expression is terrible" !
We all have something to say and share with the world. It may take some time to find it but once it is found the goal is to continue to grown and push yourself to be the better version of yourself.
Tune in for his story
To join Dr. Spencer Pool's free fb group:
To find out more about my company I Am Creative and all that is going on over there check out: https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Creative Conversations Talk About Recovering From Perfectionism
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Chelsea Fox is a self proclaimed recovering perfectionist who strives to live mindfully, creatively and authentically every single day.
Love her definition creativity is a commitment to vulnerability, openness, imagination, find power and ways to share your soul with the world ( quoting from Brene Brown)
She believes every single human being is an artist and the greatest gift we can all give ourselves is to embrace the fear and make art anyway.
This conversation is so rich!
These talks are all about connection, inspiration and sharing of stories.
Please like, follow and share... spread the word to have a safe space to share perspectives.
Go to my website to learn more about my membership and what I offer: https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Creative Conversations Encourages Women Entrepreneurs
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sarah Braud is a writer, brand & marketing consultant, and keynote speaker. She loves talking about how entrepreneurs and leaders can use storytelling devices to connect with audiences, spark interaction, and ignite their businesses.
Sarah's creative writing has been published in a variety of online publications. She is the lead writer for Nadus Films and is currently working on launching an online course with Nadus about nonprofit video storytelling.
Sarah lives with her husband, photographer David Braud, and their two children, Ellie and Atticus, in Franklin, Tennessee. A proud adoptive parent and breast cancer survivor, Sarah loves encouraging women entrepreneurs with personal tales of woe and wonder.
How to connect with Sarah:
This podcast is all about :
Inspiring, Connecting and Inspiring each other
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Go to : https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/ to find out more about all that we offer.
Creatively Yours,
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Woud you rather....
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
My guest and I discuss 2 scenarios...
What would you rather?
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Friday Oct 02, 2020
Creative Conversations Gets Inspired By The Love Group
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Kim Weiler is the founder of The Love Group, a web-based talk show where five friends, speakers and professionals from different cultures, backgrounds and age groups come together to offer healing and inspiration.
After a long career working in all facets of the TV and film industry, she is now helping others through her empowerment programs, motivational speaking and writing.
She is an International Certified Holistic Health Coach, Speaker, Author, and Entrepreneur.
So much of the conversation really boiled down to self care and joy... Let us know what you think.
These podcasts are all about inspiring each other, connecting and sharing stories.
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To be inspired more by Kim find her @
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Creative Conversations Gets Inspired to be Healthy
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Jessie is an OCR athlete | Wellness Warrior |Greyhound mom | Tower Garden Supplier and more... She helps people be their own health advocate. She does so much to educate peoplethat all centers around feeling and being the best version of yourself that you can be.She has also been Plant Based for 5 years.Jessie grew up in GA but currently lives in NJ with her husband and 2 greyhounds.
What came up a lot was the practice of self care. When you are taking care of you, you can show up the better version of you to be there for others.
These conversation are all about inspiring each other, connecting & sharing stories.
Please share, follow and like and spread the word.
I so appreciate you for taking the time to listen. If you want to learn more about I Am Creative go to: https://www.iamcreativephilly.net/
Creatively yours,
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Creative Conversations Learns about Unschooling/Worldschooling
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Sarah Beale is an Unschooling/WorldschoolingMum of 4 children, born completely into themselves.She’s co-creator of Worldschooler’s Passport, a unique community for adventurous families committed to a life of learning with their children and, when she’s not busy attempting to train her puppy not to pee in the living room, she writes on her blog, Radical Thinking, Radical Living.
Such a great answer and discussion that creativity is innately human but there has been a disconnect due to societal limitations
Sarah has made a conscious effort while parenting to not consciously get in the way, to not decide an outcome... it is all a work in progress.
Here is how to connect with Sarah:
Blog: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=la&u=http://radicalthinkingradicalliving.com/blog/&prev=search&pto=aue
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This space is all about connection, inspiration and sharing of stories